

Informe visita "Carmen de Burgos"

On 22 April this year could enjoy an educational experience, with students and teachers at the school.

The mechanical work we used was split into groups with different functions. These groups had different functions, such as creating workshops, coordination, reporting and managers interview with teachers.

First work with children was gratifying as it was conducting workshops in the form of games. There were very different games, storytelling, handkerchief ... One that caught our attention was the storytelling where children should be adding pieces to the comments of the previous partner, using their imagination

Second is the interview with the teachers which we think was a great learning. The very polite, pleasant and with great passion teachers were answering questions. Listening to their experiences and learn from first person many situations develop at a college. We note that one of the main problems we have is the lack of resources, we count their steps by different schools and their differences.

On a personal level we had the opportunity to approach a teacher to discuss a center with disruptive pupils and discuss the reality that exists in many areas. We often think of the gentle and easy to be with boys and girls side but there is the opposite side, difficult students mostly with broken families, problems with drugs and prison.

Visit of Mexicans exchange students

El pasado 29 de abril tuvimos la suerte de recibir la visita de unos estudiantes mejicanos que se encuentran aquí en Málaga de intercambio recibiendo un curso y realizando unas prácticas en distintos centros educativos.

Al principio de la clase nos estuvieron comentando que está estudiando cada uno y cómo se organiza el sistema educativo en su país. Podemos que hay varias similitudes pero también diferencias comparando los dos sistemas educativos; la mayor similitud que encontramos es que, al igual que aquí, allí la carrera de magisterio no goza de mucho prestigio y las mayores diferencias son que magisterio allí no es una carrera universitaria, sino que se estudia en las llamadas “Escuelas Normales” y la otra gran diferencia es que existe un magisterio para la enseñanza media y a esta se accede junto a quienes han estudiado carreras específicas, creando así diferencias entre los profesores, ya que algunos tendrán conocimientos pedagógicos mientras que otros no.

Al final de clase se incorporó también una estudiante de magisterio que nos comentó algunos aspectos de la vida y la cultura mejicana como puede ser la gastronomía.

Los jesuitas sacan de sus colegios los exámenes, horarios y asignaturas

Hace unos días salió a la luz la noticia de que los jesuitas en Cataluña se han propuesta eliminar de sus colegios las asignaturas, los horarios y los exámenes. Queremos compartir esto porque refleja nuestros ideales y nuestra forma de pensar en cuanto a cómo deben estar organizadas las aulas y los grupos en la escuela.

Y es así porque este problema nos ha afectado a nosotros de lleno. Como dice el director de la Fundación Jesuitas Educación (FJE) de Cataluña, "con el actual modelo de enseñanza tradicional, los alumnos se están aburriendo y están desconectando del sistema", algo que ha pasado, que sigue pasando y que pasará si sigue el mismo plan de estudios impuesto en las escuelas.

Es imposible que los alumnos tengan interés por aprender asignaturas en las que los temas son densos, poco o nada interesantes para su edad, impartidos por una persona de forma que ellos participan de forma pasiva como simples oyentes y después de estar horas sentados en sillas. Creemos que los niños en las edades en las que pasan por la Primaria, deben de disponer de más tiempo libre ya que a esas edades, el objetivo principal de los niños es jugar. Por ello, la educación debe estar enfocada de manera que se asemeje a un juego y con esta nueva propuesta se han acercado a ello.

Se han creado espacios más amplios y luminosos en sus edificios y se han dispuesto las sillas y mesas de manera que se favorece mucho el trabajo en equipo. Han juntado clases y ahora, en vez de disponer de 30 alumnos, disponen de 60 cada clase, pero son tres profesores los que se encargan de ellos, tutorizando sus trabajos por proyectos.

En definitiva, se ha empezado a aplicar el modelo educativo que estamos estudiando actualmente y con el cual nos sentimos identificados, en el que el alumno es el protagonista, y en el que se trata de eliminar la competitividad, la exclusión y la segregación. Lo que nos extraña es que hayan sido los jesuitas unos de los pioneros en empezar a aplicarlo un método tan libre y "moderno", pero parece que siempre han estado a la vanguardia en educación.

A continuación, dejamos un enlace con la noticia:

Carmen de Burgo's visit

 What’s worth about experience: teachers and students?
 It has been a pleasant experience for different reasons. First working with children serves as an approach to our future work; it was an interesting interaction and coexistence with them.
On the other hand chatting with teachers seemed more interesting because of the predisposition they had to tell us all their experiences, giving advices and answer all our questions.

What do teachers mind about school?
We want to highlight their experience as teachers from the point of view of the organization, as summarized in the words of the teacher of Special Education "to do theater", referring to the orderly improvisation that must be done and  to make adaptations according to the moment, for example: there aren't two courses alike or two identical students. And overcome the attitude and behavior to other things, taking the positive side of things, and an example is if 6 of 10 questions are answered, appreciate those answers instead of the unanswered.

Relation with my own experience.

In order to our experience, we think that these types of activities are very interesting because we can get to see directly how our future work is going to be. We thought that the conversation with the teachers taught us many points of view and some new ideas of how to connect with the children so we could make them interested in the subject and also some techniques to impart class with some alternatives ways that are more efficient. In relation to our own experience we think that we’ve all have some teachers like the ones we had the luck to talk with, the type of teacher that tries to leave the traditional model and do different things and gets involved a lot more with the students in all aspects. About the experience with the children we all remembered how much we liked to go out of school and learn new things and new places, so we thought that when we finish our career and we star working as a teacher we would like to take our pupils to different places and make them do new things because we think that is a great way of making children interested in learning.

Proyecto modernista de escuela

Establishing an asymmetrical relationship between teacher and unchangeable student

We have always had the same type of relationship with our teachers; they have always been above us. Many of them have served us as models in many ways. Some of them have become very intimate companions, some even friends, who maintained a closer relationship based on trust and respect

The condition of collective phenomenon

As part of a collective phenomenon, we learn to relate to other students and other teacher.From these relationships we nurture long as we can see for ourselves different ways of thinking and many otherideas. It also helps us in learning how to express our emotions.

Creating accreditation systems , punishment and school evaluation

It seems
appropiate to relate the category of the methology as the measures and personal behaviour and attitudes of individuals are always reflected by the methodological structure that governs the school. It also influences the ability to distribute rewards and punishments, as well as evaluation systems and the methods used to correct or improve the attitude and relationship between teacher and student. Political and religious ideologies are a big factor in a school, and that the same rules and teaching methods are not followed in a school of leftist rightist or a religious or secular center.