

Educational experience of Brazil

There exists in Brazil, particularly in the neighborhood of Liberdade, in Belo Horizonte, a
compulsory education school of students 6-18 years. There is a morning shift and an afternoon
shift, except another night shift for adults.

This school has established for some years, a system of collective work as a basis for its
organization, to encourage meetings for teachers to discuss the day, or share experiences. The
team of this school consists of 70 people in total, and each teacher devotes their time to work
outside the classroom, and these teachers, encouraging the dimension of the types of schools and
organizations, meet weekly for two hours to share experiences and ideas that help in the process
of teaching and student learning.The collective work encourages the different school groups,
favoring our learning methods dimension, taking into account their different rhythms and
processes, to build more innovative educational practices with the objective that the center holds a
more important role in the educational scenario of the city.

A curiosity that called my attention is the fact that teachers don't introduce themselves as some
subject teachers,but they work from the knowledge that show his students, their demands and their
concerns. Moreover, these teachers bring to their classes their stories and experiences of adults
and professionals, in order to build a relationship of partnership, trust and respect, which allows an
organization group. This favors our dimension in the relationship between students and teachers.
Students of this school have a heterogeneous profile, and most of them live in small towns or
villages around. Black children predominate, who have not previously had good school
performance, and have low self-esteem. This part seems appropriate to be related to the
dimension of emotions and feelings. In practical activities, time is administered so as to ensure the
implementation of the proposed activities. Shows and dance classes and struggle are organized,
and this is because a student cannot be in school without perform any activity, he always has to be
busy. I relate this last area to our dimension of extracurricular activities, since they are important to
foster a second boost in learning.

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