

Entrevista a Philipe Meirieu

 Philippe Meirieu is a French teacher who wants to propose solutions to change education and society.

"No nos podemos contentar con dar de beber a quienes ya tienen sed. También hay que dar sed a quienes no quieren beber” 
Législatives : Meirieu critique Collomb, maire de Lyon, qui ne le soutient pas

Philippe criticizes the traditional school because he believes that many children need more help than others, leading families to bring their children to school classes and hire private teachers. Besides Philippe said that the traditional methodology is outdated as there are activities that need larger groups of students, while other times we need fewer students and more individualized attention. As Meirieu said:

 "hace falta diversificar las formas de enseñanza para que cada cual pueda encontrar sitios, marcos, que puedan ayudarlo a superar los problemas a los que se enfrenta. Pero a lo largo de toda la vida escolar, incluso en la universidad."

On the other hand, he says that we must create a desire to learn in children, because without desire or interest there is no learning. We must create situations that favor this interest, situations where there is some kind of obstacle or difficulty, a mystery.
When we pooled our school experiences, all came to the conclusion that the method is being used so far does not encourage learning, quite the opposite.
We believe it is not worth just to give a speech in front of students and take an exam, you have to make games, projects, group activities that encourage children's desire to learn.
Another problem we see is that, in general, we see the teacher as an enemy, when really it is just the opposite, a prop, a person who wants to help us and has knowledge to do so.
As Philippe says,

"Yo pienso que cada vez más debe pasar de ser cara a cara a ser codo con codo."

For all this we believe that the theming of this entry would be "Personal dimensions of students" because Philippe talks about his experiences, feelings and points of view of the educational system.

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