

"El Martinet, una comunidad en crecimiento"

Possibly the example of a school that we found to be more like our imagined model school is the school of Martinet. A school where space and time are distributed in a totally different from the traditional way, integrated in its environment and open to the rest of the school community, a cozy and comfortable school where students feel comfortable, a school listening students and promotes freedom.

This school learning spaces are called environments. Each student can choose what they want to learn each week, and they are given freedom to go to the settings they want, where they will meet with students of different ages. Also, in this school there are opportunities for participation and learning where parents, family and various community members collaborate. This encourages students to feel more comfortable and motivated in participating in school, as it approaches to their usual surroundings and feels like home. On the other hand, it makes the family get involved and learn more about the learning process of their children to support them from home and continue their development.

In addition to the environment, there are workshops where students can make elements that then will have some use in the community. These workshops can be ceramic, gardening, building a cabin in the courtyard, kitchen, etc.

Finally, they work with group projects, in which problems of general interest are resolved within a group of students of the same age and has emerged them with their own biographies, and the school project, a cultural project include the neighbourhood school and vice versa, where the culture and customs of the district concerned. A dialogue between the culture that comes from outside of school and that comes inside.

A school with this model is what we believe would meet the needs arising from our educational experiences at school.

"The school has to be a gentle, serene and liveable able to ensure improved quality of life for everyone involved bustling. A community with its own identity, which is shaping the formation of a "us" here also integrating the concept of biographies." (Bonàs Solà M., Experiencias de aula, El Martinet, una comunidad en crecimiento, p. 41-50)

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